Where do I begin?
I have created this blog hoping to help others suffering from the same problem as I am. From when I was very young, under the age of 10 if I recall correctly I have suffered on and off from what I now know as "air hunger". Up until about 2 years ago I didn't even know what to call my symptoms or how to decribe them. Air hunger describes it perfectly. The feeling that you are never getting enough air or oxygen can be absolutly terrifing, many people relate this to panic attacks and for some people their air hunger symptoms do come from anxiety or panic attacks. What about the rest of us who know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is NOT that?
In the next few days I am going to spend some time writing about how this began with me and what has been done through the years. I am happy to say that I have FINALLY found a doctor who actually believes me. After being told by EVERY other doctor I have tried to discuss this with that I was either making this up or that it was asthma I basicly just gave up and try to live with it. In other words I have been deeling with breathing problems for close to 30 years. It really is a wonder that I haven't given in to a panic attack yet.
I would very much love to hear from others with these symptoms. Up until this last week I have NEVER met anyone with the same issues, I have heard of them but never met anyone. The lady I met was for the most part describing me as she told me about herself. I hope to get more information from her and include here.
I read your article... And I believe the sympto oyms relate to hypothyroidism..but western educated Drs refuse to believe the concept ..that breathing can be affected by it! After all...
They know best...right? Not! I am a nurse myself...educated much the same way as they were and we all know that the thyroid and lungs are not connected...right? Wrong! At least not directly. What we know is the thyroid rules metabolism.. Which rules our whole bodily systems clock. When our metabolism is out of whack.. Everything is! If only more docs would take the time to get that...we might feel better sooner suffer for less years from shortness of breath or air hunger.perhaps when Drs experience this horrid slow way of deterioration of health..they will pay more attention to using better methods of Tx thyroid issues with out Tx us by one blood test (tsh)only...our thyroid has three. components 2 measuring its function and by treating only 1 side of the results drawn at different times of the day that are as different in range as a blood sugar or our blood pressure... It is impossible to fix the problems...until medicine changes its thoughts on regulation of the gland ..but no one will admit it nor will they try t3/t4 combo meds and let us tell them... If it feels out of whack by our symptoms!! One would think they would listen to us...as we continue to gain weight, cough from air hunger,lose hair and dry out our skin,suffer from plugged noses and slow thought processes and low motivation!! They refuse to budge because they've been taught that too much thyroid medicine "causes" osteoporosis..so they make the process harder on us when in fact it is a by thyroid malfunctions in the first place that caused the onset of osteoporosis not the opposite way do to, too low of a thyroid level of T4 in our body.... But due to not enough of that T4 changing into A biological functioning form of T3 that works on all our tissues and bodily functions once the body convert 1 to the other. When that doesn't happen...it causes muscle and bone deterioration, which starts the whole body into decline....help!!
I was blessed to find the answer to my air hunger. First I got my oxygen level tested. Sometimes it's low, and I have oxygen at home for that, but even with the oxygen, I would feel like I was not getting enough air! I did a lot of researching and found a natural substance that is in all our bodies called D-Ribose. The "D" is part of DNA, so if you are short on it, it affects everything in your system. It helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to your cells individually. When they don't get enough oxygen individually, they cause air hunger, they malfunction, and they spasm up and hurt, as in muscles that aren't getting enough oxygen. I learned about it here: An MD who specializes in diseases with fatigue as the base, but Air Hunger is one of the conditions D Ribose helps.
http://www.endfatigue.com/tools-support/D-ribose.html You have to take the full dosage for 3 weeks for enough to build up in your system to work. That's 3 capsules or chewables or scoops of powder in the a.m.. and about 3 pm when you start losing your energy. Then in 3 weeks it kicks in one day, when every day before that there seemed no improvement. The cheapest place I found to buy it is www.iherb.com and they ship quickly. I got feeling pretty good so I got lazy and went off, and today got that air hunger again, so I'm going back on and just praying it will work sooner than 3 weeks. Maybe my system has some D-Ribose, so I won't have to wait so long for it to build up to the necessary level again.
Have you had your oxygen levels checked? If oxygen isn't the problem, this might be your remedy. It has no side effects except giving you more energy and losing fat because it sends your food to your cells instead of storing it as fat. If you are diabetic, it might lower your blood sugar a bit because it sends the sugar to the cells, not to the urine or blood. No drug interactions. I hope it helps you too! My daughter was stuck on the couch for a few years, and after putting D-ribose in her water bottle each day, it changed her life so much that she now is a busy Mom of 3 who wins at least one pageant a year and does public speaking. She's Mrs. Idaho woman of the year and Mrs. USA Ambassador, both of which are not based on looks, but on who you really are. So have hope!
Oh yes, these cells are also a metabolism/endocrine issue, so hypothyroid would tie in like Research Nurse spoke about. My whole endocrine system is out of whack but works better with D-Ribose.I am hypothyroid, low on adrenal. I found natural adrenal supplements are much safer and heal me faster than cortisone. Cortisone is only 1 of 49 chemicals that make up adrenaline, so supplementing both the adrenal with natural adrenal with all 49 chemicals, and supplementing thyroid with natural thyroid, that has 12 chemicals rather than just the T3 or T4 that prescriptions give you, is the way to go if you are hypothyroid. Natural thyroid can also be given by prescription. I asked for that after just the T3 and T4 were doing nothing..
I had air hunger after going hypothyroid. My solution was to support my mitochondria. I take a combination of trnas resveratrol, PQQ, ubiqionol, trans pteritene lactoferrin, vitamin D ( with K) peak atp ( www.lef.org) endothelial defense ( www.leflorg) d ribose & creatine. My air hunger went away in 3 days
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